Many people are already aware of this nefarious plot to control the world, unfortunately the masses are still completely blind to facts that are readily available to research and discover the truth. I have found many articles that indicate 100 % that we are being lied to I will link them in for you to read and I have also had a few personal experiences I would like to share.
This has been in the pipeline for many years probably since AGENDA 21 was proposed in the early 90's, a plan that is fully accessible online for everyone to see. Google are shadow banning many articles because challenging the Agenda is deemed incorrect, I use the Duck Duck Go or Brave search engines to gather unbiased information.
Way back in the early 90's The United Nations (funded entirely by the global elite) drafted Agenda 21, their plan allegedly to defeat climate change. In 2015 it was re-branded Agenda 30, neither had anything to do with global warming but everything to with using it to reshape our political world.
The push for Agenda 30 wasn't just about climate change, but about fighting future global pandemics. In October 2019 just 3-4 months before the "PLANDEMIC" a meeting was organised, this was known as Event 201. Some of the worlds most powerful business and political leaders met to discuss for such a crisis. This was funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The John Hopkins Centre for Health security, both pushing for world vaccination, thus creating enormous wealth, global control and gaining elitism.
Soon after Event 201 a huge coincidence occurred when it was reported from the Wuhan province in China that an outbreak of a Novel Coronavirus was materialising The worlds main stream media quickly fanned the flames of fear calling it a "killer" virus.
As the alleged "killer" virus spread throughout the globe the UK and USA quickly locked down the entire nation using The Bill Gates funded Imperial College london's computer model for projected infections. Neil Ferguson is famous for his previous inaccurate models of predicting outcomes of disease transmission. He was forced to leave the college after breaking his own lock-down rules, this clearly proves he had no fear of the alleged severity of the novel coronavirus, which is also convenient as now he doesn't have to answer for his misleading predictions. Coincidently or not as many reports suggest the Wuhan laboratory where the virus is said to originate from is funded by once again world elites George Soros and The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Fauci fully backed the Wuhan laboratory. George Soros also funds Antifa, the terrorist group that promotes the riots, violence and looting's in the UK and USA.
Every year globally on average 5 million people suffer from severe flu symptons and 650000 die, this never gets significant media attention. This year it has completely spiralled out of control leading to a complete lockdown even though now it is widely publisized that many figures were falsified, this article in the daily mail sums up the deception in a report from SAGE.
People ask me "why would governments inflict these draconian measures on there citizens"? The simple answer is that it is the upper tier of the establishment who are pushing Agenda 21, make the rules for their own gain, greed and power control. Governments come and go, they are just the puppets used to carry out the measures to put the laws in to place, crash the economy and make us totally dependant. Many jobs will be lost, which is happening now, massive wage cuts are in place or forced redundancy. Agenda 21 is trying to push a one world cashless currency, once again connected to Bill Gates, this will make us fully dependant on the powers that control as they will be able to cut of your money supply if you don't comply with all the new laws and standards that are being set.
They are testing us with the fear of coronavirus just to see how far they can control us, lockdown's nationally or locally will always now be threatened if we don't behave, the mask wearing is another method of control as many medical studies prove the dangers of this, they are just seeing how far they can push the global population to the compliance that Agenda 21 is aiming for.
This year has seen the massive rise on mainstream media, social platforms such as Facebook and twitter, streaming platforms, You-Tube and Vimeo banning articles and videos that don't relate or challenge Agenda 21. Unfortunately all these corporations are controlled by the establishment pushing the Agenda, it is widely known that they all have been influenced financially to keep the coronavirus hoax running and take down any information that clarifies the truth of the matter. Many of these banned videos can be found on an unbiased streaming platform named Bitchute.
Brian Rose who runs the London Real Digital Freedom Platform has interviewed many people who have talked about the facts surrounding the Covid 19 hoax. His videos have been banned from every main stream platform, the facts speak for themselves and should be allowed to be aired. The video made by Mikki Willis called "PLANDEMIC" has all the in depth truth to prove without a doubt that this situation is a falsified experiment to cruelly change our lives forever. Also the post interview with Mikki Willis about the documentary explains the persecution he has received and that Facebook even banned the video before it had fully aired.
The PCR test used to detect coronavirus, HIV and many other viruses was invented by Kary B Mullis in this video he explains why the PCR test is inadequate to test for such viruses. He quotes "you can find nearly anything in any body."
This is the absurdity and the deception being used to fool us that Coronavirus and Covid-19 is nothing more than a cold or depending your general health full blown flu maybe leading to pneumonia. The majority of cases publisized are that of people over 70 with many underlying health issues who unfortunatly wouldn't survive a small bout of flu or even a heavy cold.
My mother is in a nursing home and is generally quite poorly, back in April I had the call I had been dreading telling me that they thought she had contracted Covid and I was allowed to go and see her for probably the last time, when I arrived she had a very heavy cough and the signs of pneumonia, I insisted that they gave her anti-biotics immediately and they said that it was probably pointless as they do not work on patients with Covid. I said "I don't believe Covid is the problem" and they administered the medication I requested for her and I'm happy to say that she is still with us to this day over 4 months later. It just makes me wonder how many other elderly care home residents have been allowed to die and Covid marked on their death certificate.
This article "encouraging" people to assume that they have Covid even if they test negative is so ridiculous and beyond comprehension, I would of thought that any free thinking individual could see straight through this.
From the beginning I was very suspicious of the unfolding "plandemic", after reading many articles and looking at facts and figures, it just wasn't adding up correctly. The daily news bulletins showing that hospitals were at breaking point and full to brim being portrayed as war zones made me curious. I decided that I needed to see this for my own eyes to put my mind at rest that there was truth to the matter. At the height of the pandemic I travelled on my scooter to hospitals in London and in my area, St Thomas's, Charing Cross, Mile End, St Peters, Hillingdon, Wexham Park, Frimley Park and West Middlesex. My suspicions were correct, they were equivalent to ghost towns, absolutely no activity, no ambulances, no doctors or nurses were visibly present, every hospital told the same story. The media had indoctrinated us all with a hugely exaggerated illness to keep us all in control with fear.
In the beginning the narrative was to flatten the so called "curve" this was to be a short term matter to help the NHS to cope with the predicted cases of Coronavirus. Many new laws were put in place to restrict our freedom and movement and keep us all apart. No visiting family and friends, don't travel, don,t go to parks, basically keep everyone controlled. For a lot of people this meant being glued to the television, social media and main stream news ,indoctrinating and filling us with fear about what they wanted us to believe was going on, unfortunately this seems to have worked with many people.
The powers that be even suggesting to snitch on neighbours if they believed that people were not complying with the draconian new rules brought in, this seems very reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984 or even Nazi Germany.
Initially we were told that Coronavirus was definitely not airborne and masks would not be necessary but now we have a complete U-turn and masks are now mandatory in shops, cinemas, museums etc, the narrative seems to change when the fear needs to be extended to keep the Agenda going and once again it is encouraged to snitch on non mask wearers, the whole situation is becoming increasingly nefarious.
Every day another story comes to light that numbers had been highly inflated both in the UK and USA. Here is a Fox News report explaining more about false results.
If you read the complete Agenda 21/30 there one of the sections talks about depopulation of the world and how this issue can be solved and basically with any methods or whatever means necessary.
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are pushing the Agenda to globally have everyone vaccinated against the flu like symptons of coronavirus by 2021. It seems a very big step to manufacture a safe vaccine in this limited time frame. Vaccines take years to master and to test to make sure it will be safe and have minimal side affects.
In an interview Bill Gates admitted that globally the new vaccine would induce at least 700 000 people to have side effects which include death, seizures, autism, AHDH, many spectrum disorders and an early onset of alzheimers.
Previous experimental attempts of immunising against various diseases in third world countries have been disastrous. India cut ties with The Gates foundation back in 2017 due to discrepancies and mishandling of vaccinations and widely reported paralysis of many children vaccinated between the years of 2000 and 2017.
We are led to believe that Bill Gates is the world renowned philanthropist, who cleverly started up his Microsoft computer empire from his parents garage with the help of his friend Paul Allen. His parents are hardly ever mentioned, they were in fact very powerfully connected in both the political and business world, He was completely funded by his super rich parents with every innovative technology readily availabe to further his career. William Henry Gates was a high powered Attorney and his wife was a prominent business woman in Seattle, who secured Gates his Microsoft contract with IBM. Both parents were heavily involved in eugenics (depopulation), Bill senior was head of Planned Parenthood the pro abortion organisation with a very dubious past, incorporating promotion of eliminating the unfit, with famously racial overtones originating from Margaret Sanger.
Paul Allen later wrote about his partnership with Gates and how he was ushered of the scene when he became ill with cancer, in this Daily mail report it explains the he was only given a 64-36% deal when it should have been 50-50%.
Bill Gates seems to be talking a lot about medical issues, he actually has no medical background training and uses second hand information to fool us into his plan of trying to "save the world"
Even the world renowned think tank at Chatham House believes him to be somewhat shady, https://academic.oup.com/ia/article/98/6/2039/6765178
Here is the full report from the CDC clearly showing that only 6% of deaths were from Covid alone and most of those were of a highly advanced age. The usual dubious fact checkers on Google have tried to imply that this is fake news when it is "Hidden in plain sight"
I rest my case!!
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.
I'm hoping by now that you can see a picture of a "plandemic" forming, I could carry on and on and on with article after article of how corrupt and nefarious this plan is and how the hoax of Covid-19(84) is set to push us into Agenda 21/30 that will control our rights forever, not just for now while the end game is being played out but for always,
I have taken the time to research all the true facts of the matter and have not wasted my time being indoctrinated by the mainstream media and the powers that be into believing that we are going to be wiped out by this glorified influenza or to be more realistic, a common cold unless we comply with the draconian laws and drastic measures being mapped out. The only positive measure to arise out of the situation is that many people are waking up to the injustice and tyranny being forced upon us and are prepared to stand up for their civil rights that we expect in a free society.
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